SVG Doodles

I like to draw things in SVG code just for fun, to keep up math skills. Click on any SVG thumbnail to see a larger version.

I made up an alphabet in the style of the lettering on the side
  of the Bauhaus building.
Bauhaus Lettering
This one uses clipping masks and curve paths.
Cubs Logo
This one uses almost exclusively quadratic curves instead of cubic.
Giants Logo
I tried to make the shadows look as realistic as possible.
Why not? I used it for a color prism science presentation.
Pink Floyd

Why not?

See more elsewhere.
Highway Signs
A weave pattern.
Weave Pattern
45 RPM record (better version with more detail for larger uses).
45 Record
Color Wheel with curved segments.
Color Wheel
For a chess game.
Chess Pieces
I tried to make the shadows look as realistic as possible.
For a comics app or web page.
Action Comics