Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is the description of a parabola. A parabola may cross the x axis in one place, in two places, or not at all. The Quadratic Equation tells you the y coordinates where the parabola crosses the x axis.

Quadratic Equation has the form:

y = ax2 + bx + c

Solution has the form:

-b ± √ b2 - 4ac

x = –––––––––––––––––


If the value under the square root sign (called the discriminant) is positive, the result will be two real numbers. (Try 1, 5, 4.)

If the value under the square root sign is negative, the result will be two complex numbers (with a real and an imaginary component). (Try 2, 4, 4.)

If the value under the square root sign is zero, the result will be only one real number solution. (Try 1, 4, 4.)

Enter the coefficients here:

Results will go here: